Power of Closures!

Java Script

May 20, 2023

Power of Closures!

In JavaScript, a closure is a function with access to its scope, the outer function's scope, and the global scope. That means that closure can access variables from three different scopes. Interestingly, a closure can access the outer function's variables even after the external function has returned. This aspect makes closures very useful and powerful.

Here's a simple example to illustrate the concept:


In this example, innerFunction is a closure that is defined inside outerFunction and has access to outerFunction's scope, which includes outerVariable. When we call outerFunction(), it returns innerFunction which we store in the closure variable. Even though outerFunction has finished executing, closure can still access outerVariable when we call it.

Closures are essential for several reasons:

  • Data privacy: Closures can help create private variables that can only be accessed and manipulated by the functions that reference them.
  • Function factories: Closures allow us to write flexible and efficient code by creating functions within a function.
  • Asynchronous programming: They are also frequently used in JavaScript for asynchronous programming and callbacks because they allow access to an outer function’s scope from an asynchronous callback function.

Pros and Cons of Closures


  1. Encapsulation and Data Privacy: They allow you to create private data and methods to prevent unexpected side effects due to accidental data modification.
  2. Functional Programming: Closures are a fundamental part of available programming and can be used to create function factories and modular code.


  1. Memory Overhead: Closures retain their lexical scope, meaning they can lead to memory leaks if you're not careful.
  2. Complexity: The concept of closures can be complex for beginners and lead to hard-to-track bugs.

How to Use Them in a Project

Let's consider a simple project where you might use a closure - a module with private data.


In the above example, userModule is a JavaScript object returned by a self-invoking function. This object exposes the




methods, which work on the


array. The


array, however, is not directly accessible from outside the self-invoking function, providing a level of data privacy.

Remember, while closures are a powerful tool, they also can make code more complex, and incorrect use can lead to issues such as memory leaks. Always try to keep your functions and closures as simple and as clean as possible.

Practicing with exercises is a great way to understand closures better.

Here are some questions that you can try:

Basic Closure:

  • Write a function outerFunction which takes a string as input. This function should return an inner function, which also takes a string as input. When the inner function is invoked, it should return the concatenation of the string given to outerFunction and the string given to the inner function.


Counter Function:

  • Write a function createCounter that returns a function, which when invoked, increments and returns a counter. The counter should start at 0.


Function Factory:

  • Write a function multiplier that takes a number as an argument and returns a new function. The returned function should take a single argument and return the product of its input and the input to the outer function.


Data Privacy:

  • Create a module to manage a list of tasks. It should have methods to add a task, remove a task, and list all tasks. However, the tasks themselves should be kept private and not exposed directly.


Closures and Asynchronous Code:

  • Write a function delayedLog that takes an array of messages and logs each one after 1 second, preserving the order. Hint: You will need to use setTimeout, and you'll need to create a closure to keep track of the correct message to log.


** Book Recommendation: Eloquent JavaScript

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