Create Habit in 21 days

Self Help

April 28, 2023

Create Habit in 21 days

Learning is a lifelong process, and forming habits that foster learning can benefit personal and professional growth. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of creating patterns for learning and provide tips on how to do so effectively.

Benefits of Creating Habits for Learning: Enhances Personal and Professional Growth: Learning new skills and acquiring knowledge can lead to personal and professional growth. It can open up new opportunities and help you become more well-rounded. Increases Confidence: As you learn and master new skills, your confidence will grow. This can help you personally and professionally, as you will be more comfortable taking on challenges and pursuing your goals. Boosts Mental Agility: Learning can help keep your brain sharp and improve cognitive function. It can also improve memory retention and critical thinking skills. Improves Problem-Solving Abilities: Learning new things can help you develop problem-solving skills. Learning and exploring new ideas will make you better equipped to handle challenges and solve problems.

Why do we procrastinate?

Procrastination is an expected behavior that affects many people in their daily lives. Scientific research has shown that there are several underlying causes of procrastination, including:

Lack of motivation: A study published in the journal "Motivation and Emotion" found that low motivation was a significant predictor of procrastination. The study found that people who lacked motivation were more likely to procrastinate on tasks, even when they knew the consequences.

Fear of failure: A study published in the journal "Personality and Individual Differences" found that fear of failure was a significant predictor of academic procrastination. The study found that students afraid of failing were more likely to procrastinate on educational tasks, even when they knew that doing so would have negative consequences.

Difficulty regulating emotions: A study published in the journal "Emotion" found that individuals who had trouble controlling their feelings were more likely to procrastinate. The study found that people who had difficulty managing their feelings were more likely to use procrastination to avoid negative emotions, such as anxiety or stress.

Perfectionism: A study published in the journal "Personality and Individual Differences" found that perfectionism was a significant predictor of procrastination. The study found that people who hold themselves to an unrealistic standard of perfection were more likely to procrastinate on tasks, even when they knew that doing so would have negative consequences.

Lack of self-control: A study published in the journal "Personality and Social Psychology Review" found that self-control was a significant predictor of procrastination. The study found that people who had difficulty with self-control were more likely to procrastinate on tasks, even when they knew that doing so would have negative consequences.

Keep Starting

The idea behind "keep starting" is to focus on the present moment and take action rather than getting bogged down by past failures or future worries. Instead of waiting for the perfect time or circumstances to start a task, you start where you are and with what you have. This approach can help you build momentum and overcome the inertia of procrastination. Fiore recommends several strategies for implementing "keep starting" in your life. One of the most powerful is using "unscheduled work periods." Set a timer for 30-60 minutes and work on your task during that time. Take a short break when the timer goes off and start another work period. This approach helps you stay focused and motivated and prevents you from getting overwhelmed by an enormous task.

Another strategy is to focus on the process rather than the end result. Instead of fixating on the outcome, focus on the steps to get there. You can progress and build momentum by breaking down an enormous task into smaller steps. Celebrate each step rather than waiting for the end result.

In conclusion, "keep starting" is a powerful strategy for overcoming procrastination and developing positive habits. By focusing on the present moment, breaking tasks into manageable chunks, and adopting a positive mindset, you can progress toward your goals and create positive habits that stick. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination, so enjoy the process and keep moving forward.

Here are some tips that can help you create a habit in 21 days

  • Start with small, achievable goals: One of the main reasons people fail to create habits is that they need to set realistic goals for themselves. Instead of trying to make a drastic change overnight, start with small, achievable goals that you can accomplish in a day or two. For example, if you want to create a habit of exercising every day, start by committing to just 10 minutes of exercise each day.
  • Use positive affirmations: Fiore recommends using positive affirmations to change your mindset and overcome negative thinking patterns. For example, you might repeat to yourself, "I am a productive person" or "I am capable of creating positive habits."
  • Use a timer to break tasks into manageable chunks: Fiore recommends using a timer to break tasks into manageable pieces, known as "unscheduled work periods." Set a timer for 30-60 minutes and work on your habit during that time. Take a short break when the timer goes off and start another work period.
  • Identify and address the root causes of procrastination: Procrastination is often a symptom of deeper issues, such as fear of failure or overwhelming feelings. Fiore recommends identifying the root causes of procrastination and addressing them directly. For example, if you procrastinate because you're overwhelmed, break your habit into smaller steps or seek help from a mentor or coach.
  • Celebrate your successes: Finally, it's important to celebrate your accomplishments along the way. Each time you accomplish a small goal or complete a work period, take a moment to acknowledge your progress and feel good about what you've accomplished. This will help reinforce positive habits and keep you motivated to continue.

RoadMap for the next 21 days

  • Block time of the day for only 10min up to 30 min a day.
  • Turn the Alarm on to remind you that this is the time for learning. (example: from 7pm - 7:15pm Mon - Fri, 10am - 10:15am Weekend )
  • Before starting learning, remind yourself why learning a specific topic is beneficial.
  • Turn Off all notifications during the Learning period.
  • Could you do it for the next 21 days every day?
  • Don't Break the Cain - Commit - it should be easy, only 15 min day.
  • You can do it.

Following these tips and techniques from "The Now Habit" you can create a habit in 21 days and develop a more positive mindset towards work and productivity. Remember to start small, use positive affirmations, break tasks into manageable chunks, address the root causes of procrastination, and celebrate your successes.

The Book Recommendation: The Now Habit

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