The Power of Cues in Shaping Your Destiny
Mastering the Art of the Cue: Unlocking the Power of Prompts for Optimal Learning
In a world awash with distractions and information overload, the key to effective learning often rests not in the hours spent studying but in how we initiate and sustain our engagement. At the heart of this initiation lies a subtle yet profoundly impactful element: the cue, or as some might call it, the prompt. Cues are the unsung heroes that set the stage for our behaviors, nudging our brains into action and channeling our focus toward intentional learning.
We will journey to understand and master the art of the cue, revealing how this simple trigger can become a game-changer for learners everywhere. Whether you're a student, a lifelong learner, or someone on the path of career transition, mastering cues could be your passport to a more enriched and practical learning experience.
Following these tips and techniques from "A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play: The Now Habit" you can create a habit in 21 days and develop a more positive mindset towards work and productivity. Remember to start small, use positive affirmations, break tasks into manageable chunks, address the root causes of procrastination, and celebrate your successes.
The Science of Habits
The intricacies of habit formation are both fascinating and crucial for anyone looking to develop new behaviors, especially in the realm of learning and personal growth. Let's delve deeper into the science of habits.
The Brain and Habit Loop
At the core of habit formation is a simple loop that consists of three main components:
- Cue (or Prompt): This initiates the habit loop. It's an external or internal trigger that signals your brain to start a behavior.
- Routine (or Behavior): This is the actual behavior you perform in response to the cue.
- Reward: After performing the behavior, you receive a reward, which helps your brain determine if the habit loop is worth remembering.
This loop continually reinforces itself with repetition. The more you cycle through the cue-routine-reward loop, the more entrenched the Habit becomes.
The Role of the Basal Ganglia
The basal ganglia, an older part of the brain in evolutionary terms, plays a central role in habit formation. While habits save cognitive energy, they are also stored in a part of the brain that operates on a more automatic level.
Interesting Fact: The basal ganglia are also involved in developing emotions, memories, and pattern recognition. It's why sometimes a particular scent or a song can trigger a cascade of memories and emotions. This interconnectedness can be leveraged in habit formation. For instance, coupling a learning habit with a specific song can, over time, make the act of starting to learn feel as familiar and automatic as recalling a memory from a scent or sound.
Dopamine and Habit Formation
Dopamine, the 'feel good' neurotransmitter, is not just about pleasure. It's central to habit formation. When you perform an action that feels good or has a positive outcome, your brain releases dopamine. This makes you more likely to repeat the step in the future.
Interesting Fact: The release of dopamine can start with just the cue, even before the reward is achieved. This anticipation can sometimes be even more compelling than the reward itself. It's why the mere thought of a rewarding experience (like eating your favorite food) can be so enticing.
Habit and Neural Pathways
Every time you engage in a behavior, neural pathways in your brain are activated. With repetition, these pathways become more defined and stronger, making the behavior easier to initiate and continue.
Interesting Fact: Think of neural pathways like trails in a forest. The more a path is used, the clearer and more established it becomes. Similarly, the more you engage in a habit, the more robust and automatic the neural pathway associated with that Habit becomes in your brain.
The Power of Habit Stacking
A helpful technique derived from cognitive psychology is 'habit stacking.' It involves pairing a new habit with an existing one. Because the brain already recognizes the established pattern, it becomes easier to add a new routine to it.
For instance, if you already have the Habit of drinking a cup of coffee every morning, stacking a new habit of reading a chapter of a book with your coffee means you're leveraging an existing neural pathway to create a new one.
Understanding the science behind habits provides a roadmap to design and nurture them deliberately. By leveraging the brain's mechanisms, like the basal ganglia's automatic processing or the dopamine-driven reward system, we can consciously develop habits that aid our learning journey and personal growth.
The Power of Cues (Prompts): The Science of Triggering the Brain
Cues, often interchangeably referred to as prompts, are pivotal initiators that drive us to action. At first glance, they might appear insignificant, but delving into their interaction with our brain reveals an intricate dance of neurology and psychology. Let's dissect the profound power of cues and how they shape our learning experiences.
Neurological Interactions: The Cue-Brain Symphony
Immediate Brain Activation: The First Responder to Cues
When we speak of immediate brain activation in the context of cues, we're delving into a swift and complex series of processes the brain undergoes almost instantaneously upon detecting a cue. This rapid reaction is a testament to the brain's intricate design and efficiency. Let's break down this phenomenon in more detail.
Sensory Integration
Sensory Detection: Every cue, whether it's a visual symbol, an auditory signal, or a tactile sensation, is first picked up by our specialized sensory organs. For instance, our eyes detect light waves, translating them into images, while our ears pick up sound vibrations.
Transmission to the Thalamus: Once these sensory signals are detected, they are relayed as electrical impulses through neurons to the thalamus. Often referred to as the 'gatekeeper' or the 'relay station' of the brain, the thalamus is crucial in processing and directing sensory information. It's worth noting that all sensory input, except smell, passes through the thalamus before reaching relevant brain regions for further processing.
Decoding and Routing
Deciphering the Signal: Once the thalamus receives these electrical impulses, it begins decoding or interpreting them. This is akin to translating raw data into meaningful information. The thalamus determines the nature of the signal: Is it a sound? A sight? A touch?
Directing to Relevant Brain Regions: After interpreting the signal, the thalamus routes it to the appropriate brain area specialized in processing that type of information. For example, visual cues are sent to the visual cortex located in the occipital lobe, while auditory signals find their way to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe.
Engagement of the Memory Center
Hippocampus Activation: Particularly for cues associated with past experiences or learned behaviors, the hippocampus becomes a key player. As the primary center for memory and learning in the brain, the hippocampus is tasked with linking the current sensory input (the cue) with stored memories. This linkage allows us to recognize and react to familiar cues based on past experiences.
Evoking Associated Responses: Depending on the established associations, the immediate recognition of a cue might trigger a cascade of neural activations, preparing the brain and body for a subsequent action or behavior. For example, the sound of a bell might immediately put a student in 'class mode,' thanks to the repeated association of that sound with the beginning of a lesson.
Immediate brain activation is a marvel of neural coordination and efficiency. It demonstrates how our brains are perpetually primed to detect, interpret, and respond to environmental cues. This process, while incredibly swift, results from intricate neural pathways and associations forged through repetitive experiences, making cues an influential tool in shaping behaviors and habits.
Association Building: The Brain's Web of Connections
Association building is a fundamental cognitive process that underpins our ability to understand, interpret, and react to the world around us. By forging links between different pieces of information, our brains create a vast and interconnected web of knowledge that informs our behaviors, decisions, and emotions. Let's explore the deep intricacies of how our brains build associations, especially in the context of cues.
The Underlying Neurology
Synaptic Plasticity: At the heart of association building is synaptic plasticity. Simply put, the brain can strengthen or weaken connections (synapses) between neurons based on experience. When two pieces of information or two stimuli are frequently linked, the relationship between these neural pathways becomes stronger. This is encapsulated in the adage, "Neurons that fire together, wire together."
Prefrontal Cortex Engagement: The prefrontal cortex, the brain region responsible for higher cognitive functions such as decision-making, planning, and abstract thinking, is pivotal in building associations. It evaluates incoming information in light of past experiences and helps link the current stimulus (or cue) with relevant memories or responses.
How Associations Shape Our Reactions to Cues
Pattern Recognition: As we repeatedly experience a particular cue followed by a specific event or emotion, our brains start recognizing this pattern. For example, if every time you see a specific book on your desk, you immerse yourself in a study session, the mere sight of that book eventually becomes a cue that triggers the anticipation of studying.
Emotional Tagging: Our amygdala, the emotional center of our brain, can assign dynamic values to specific associations. If studying after seeing that book often results in a feeling of accomplishment, the association between the book (cue) and the emotion (satisfaction) strengthens. Over time, just seeing the book might evoke Motivation or anticipation.
Contextual Embedding: Associations aren't built in isolation. The broader context influences them. For instance, the same cue might evoke different associations based on the environment. A study lamp in your room might cue bedtime reading, while the same light in a library might be associated with intensive research.
Strengthening Associations
Repetition: The more frequently a cue and a response (or emotion) are paired, the stronger their association becomes. It's why habit-building often hinges on consistency.
Intensity: Strong emotional responses can create powerful associations even with fewer repetitions. A traumatic event, for instance, can form lasting associations with particular cues, even if experienced only once.
Multisensory Involvement: Engaging multiple senses can bolster association building. Suppose a study session is paired with a specific aroma (from a diffuser), a specific soundtrack, and a visual cue (like a poster). In that case, the combined multisensory experience can forge stronger associations than a single cue.
Association building is the brain's way of navigating an incredibly complex world by creating a structure and order. It allows us to predict outcomes, streamline decision-making, and automate specific responses. In the realm of cues and habits, understanding and harnessing the power of associations can be instrumental in shaping desired behaviors and outcomes. By deliberately pairing cues with specific actions or emotions and reinforcing these pairings, we can craft a brain environment conducive to effective learning and growth.
Dopamine Release: The Brain's Reward Messenger
Dopamine, often dubbed the "feel-good neurotransmitter," plays a far more nuanced role in our neural circuits than merely making us feel euphoric. Its release in the context of cues and habits offers insights into why certain behaviors become reinforced while others fade away. Let's dive deeper into dopamine, its release mechanisms, and its significance in shaping our actions and reactions.
The Basics of Dopamine
Neurotransmitter Dynamics: Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter, which means it's a chemical messenger that transmits signals in the brain. It plays pivotal roles in several vital functions, including movement, pleasure, Motivation, and the reinforcement of behaviors.
Production and Pathways: Dopamine is produced in several areas of the brain, including the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Once released, it travels through pathways that influence various brain functions. One of the most crucial pathways is the mesolimbic pathway, often associated with reward, pleasure, and reinforcement.
Dopamine and Cues: A Cycle of Anticipation and Reward
Predictive Cues: Over time, as our brain starts to recognize a consistent pattern between a cue and a subsequent rewarding experience (like the feeling of accomplishment after a study session), the mere presence of the cue triggers the dopamine release. This is because the brain begins to anticipate the reward.
Reward Anticipation: Unlike the common misconception that dopamine is solely about pleasure, a significant aspect of its release is tied to the anticipation of a reward. This means that before we even engage in the rewarding activity, the dopamine surge prepares and motivates us for it. For learners, this can mean that the right cues can initiate a dopamine-driven motivational boost even before the learning starts.
Reinforcement and Habit Formation: Dopamine doesn't just motivate us; it reinforces the behaviors leading to rewards. When an action results in a positive outcome, dopamine reinforces the neural pathways involved in that behavior, making it more likely for the action to be repeated in the future. Over time, with consistent dopamine reinforcement, behaviors can solidify into habits.
Potential Pitfalls: The Double-Edged Sword
Seeking Dopamine Spikes: The brain's natural inclination to seek dopamine-releasing activities can sometimes lead to less productive behaviors, especially if they offer quicker, more intense dopamine spikes. This is one reason behind the allure of instant gratification activities, like checking social media or indulging in snacks, which can sometimes overshadow long-term learning or goals.
Dopamine Depletion: Engaging too frequently in high-dopamine activities without balance can lead to dopamine depletion, where the brain's receptors become less sensitive, requiring more of the activity to achieve the same dopamine "high." This can lead to burnout or reduced Motivation over time.
Understanding dopamine's intricate dance with cues, rewards, and behaviors offers a window into the brain's internal reward system. For learners, educators, and habit enthusiasts, recognizing the role of dopamine can lead to more intentional cue-setting and habit-forming strategies. By aligning cues with genuinely rewarding learning experiences and ensuring a balanced approach to dopamine-releasing activities, one can harness the power of this neurotransmitter to foster Motivation, engagement, and lasting habits.
Psychological Aspects: Beyond Just Brain Waves
Setting Intentions: The Blueprint of Conscious Action
In a world of distractions, ever-shifting priorities, and a barrage of information, setting intentions stands as a beacon, guiding our actions and decisions toward a coherent direction. More profound than mere goals, intentions shape our mindset, behavior, and interactions. Let's delve deeper into the art and science of setting preferences and understand its transformative potential.
The Anatomy of an Intention
Defined Clarity: Unlike vague desires or wishes, intentions are characterized by clarity. When you set an intention, you're crystallizing a specific vision or state of being into your consciousness. For instance, instead of just wanting to study more, an intention might be, "I intend to immerse myself fully in my studies for two uninterrupted hours each evening."
Driven by Values: Intentions often spring from our core values and beliefs. They're aligned with what truly matters to us, so they possess a deeper emotional resonance. Setting intentions based on values ensures authenticity and enhances commitment.
Neuroscience Behind Setting Intentions
Prefrontal Cortex Engagement: Setting an intention activates the prefrontal cortex, the executive center responsible for focus, decision-making, and goal-directed behavior. When we set an intention, we're priming this region to filter distractions and prioritize actions that align with our purpose.
Reticular Activating System (RAS): The RAS acts as a filter for the vast amount of sensory information our brains receive. When we set an intention, the RAS starts to spotlight information and opportunities that align with that intention. It's akin to deciding you want to buy a particular car and then suddenly noticing that car everywhere.
Psychological Power of Setting Intentions
Anchor in the Present: Intentions pull us into the present moment. Instead of getting lost in past regrets or future anxieties, setting an intention helps us channel our energy into the here and now, fostering mindfulness.
Boosting Motivation: By painting a clear picture of our desired state or action, intentions inherently carry motivational energy. They serve as a constant reminder of what we're striving toward, propelling us into action.
Cultivating Resilience: With a firm intention, setbacks are perceived differently. Instead of insurmountable obstacles, they become challenges to navigate or lessons to learn from, as the overarching intention provides a robust framework of purpose.
Practical Steps to Setting Effective Intentions
Reflection and Self-awareness: Dive deep into introspection. Ask yourself what truly matters, what you want to feel, or how you want to act.
Be Specific: Vague intentions lose potency. The more detailed and vivid your intention, the more powerful its influence on your actions and mindset.
Reinforce Regularly: Setting an intention isn't a one-time act. Regularly remind yourself of your intentions. Visual cues, journaling, or daily affirmations can be effective reinforcement tools.
Stay Open to Adaptation: While intentions provide direction, it's essential to stay adaptable. As you grow and evolve, your choices need refining. Periodically reassess and adjust as needed.
Setting intentions is akin to plotting a course on a map. While the journey might offer unexpected twists and turns, a clear intention ensures you navigate with purpose, clarity, and conviction. Whether in learning, personal growth, or any other domain of life, intention-setting stands as a powerful tool to sculpt our actions, experiences, and, ultimately, our destinies.
Creating Rituals: The Symphony of Mindful Actions
In the vast expanse of human history, rituals have carved a unique space for themselves, acting as bridges between our physical actions and more profound meanings or intentions. From the ancient rites of indigenous tribes to the modern-day rituals of morning coffee or meditation, these structured acts hold a transformative power. Let's explore the art and science of creating patterns, exploring how they can anchor our lives in purpose, mindfulness, and consistency.
The Essence of a Ritual
Beyond Habit: While habits are repetitive actions often geared towards achieving specific outcomes or goals, rituals encompass a deeper layer. They are symbolic acts imbued with meaning, intention, and often a sense of sacredness or reverence.
Structured Framework: Rituals are characterized by a defined sequence or set of actions. This structure lends predictability and comfort, allowing us to immerse ourselves fully in the act.
Neurological Underpinnings of Rituals
Amygdala & Emotional Resonance: The amygdala, our brain's emotional center, often responds strongly to rituals. Given that ways are emotionally charged acts, their consistent practice can trigger a sense of calm, familiarity, and safety.
Neural Reinforcement: Engaging in a ritual repeatedly strengthens neural pathways associated with it, similar to forming habits. Over time, the brain begins to anticipate the comfort and meaning derived from the pattern, making its practice an attractive endeavor.
Psychological Benefits of Creating Rituals
Grounding and Presence: Rituals act as anchors, pulling us into the present moment. Whether it's a ceremonial tea ceremony or a nightly gratitude journaling practice, the act compels us to be fully present, fostering mindfulness.
Identity Reinforcement: Rituals often align with our values, beliefs, and identity. By practicing them, we continually reaffirm and strengthen our connection to these core aspects of ourselves.
Coping Mechanism: During times of stress, uncertainty, or grief, rituals can offer solace. Their structured and meaningful nature provides a sense of stability amidst chaos.
Enhancing Intentionality: By design, rituals are intentional acts. Their practice encourages a more deliberate and purpose-driven approach to other areas of life.
Crafting Personal Rituals: A Guide
Define the Purpose: Begin by identifying the reason or intent behind creating a ritual. Is it to start your day with clarity? To honor a personal achievement? To remember a loved one?
Incorporate Symbolism: Infuse your ritual with elements that hold personal significance. This could be a cherished item, a specific gesture, or even a mantra.
Set the Environment: The surroundings can enhance the ritual's impact. Consider aspects like lighting, scents, or sounds that resonate with the ritual's purpose.
Consistency is Key: While the ritual itself is an intentional act, its consistent practice amplifies its benefits. Choose a frequency that feels right – daily, weekly, or monthly.
Stay Open to Evolution: As with all personal practices, it's essential to allow your rituals to evolve with you. As you change and grow, your habits require adjustments to align with your current self.
Creating rituals is a testament to the human need for meaning, connection, and structure. They offer a sanctuary, a space where actions and intentions dance in harmony. In our increasingly fast-paced world, crafting personal rituals can lead to grounding, introspection, and a deepened sense of purpose. Whether you're seeking solace, celebration, or self-awareness, patterns stand ready to enrich the tapestry of your life.
Boosting Confidence: Empowering the Self from Within
Confidence, that elusive trait often seen in high achievers, charismatic leaders, and accomplished artists, is not a gift for a select few. It's a dynamic quality that can be cultivated, nurtured, and strengthened. Delving into its intricacies reveals a multifaceted interplay of psychology, neurology, and actionable strategies. Here's a closer look at boosting confidence from the ground up.
The Roots of Confidence
Self-efficacy: Psychologist Albert Bandura introduced the concept of self-efficacy, referring to an individual's belief in their ability to execute tasks and achieve goals. It is the foundational pillar upon which confidence is built.
Past Experiences: Our previous successes and failures significantly influence our confidence levels. Positive experiences bolster self-belief, while negative ones, if not processed healthily, can diminish it.
Neurological Underpinnings of Confidence
Brain's Reward System & Dopamine: Achieving goals or receiving positive feedback stimulates the brain's reward pathways, releasing dopamine, the "feel-good" neurotransmitter. This biochemical reaction strengthens our belief in our abilities, enhancing confidence.
Amygdala & Fear Response: The amygdala, responsible for processing emotions, plays a role in our fear and anxiety responses. Overcoming challenges or confronting fears can recalibrate the amygdala's response, fostering Resilience and boosting confidence.
Strategies for Boosting Confidence
Set Achievable Goals: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Every time you achieve a mini-goal, your confidence gets a boost. It's about celebrating small wins.
Visualize Success: Visualization techniques, where you mentally rehearse positive outcomes, can be decisive. They prime the brain to act confidently and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.
Positive Affirmations: Replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations can reshape neural pathways. Regularly affirming positive beliefs about oneself can cement these thoughts into subconscious patterns.
Seek FeedbackFeedback: Constructive FeedbackFeedback, both positive and negative, offers growth opportunities. Embracing FeedbackFeedback helps refine skills, adjust approaches, and ultimately solidify confidence.
Continuous Learning: Embracing a growth mindset, where challenges are viewed as learning opportunities, fosters Resilience and confidence. The act of continuous learning and self-improvement amplifies self-belief.
Physical Posture: Research has shown that adopting "power poses" or confident postures, even for a few minutes, can lead to hormonal changes that boost feelings of confidence and reduce stress.
Celebrate Successes: Regardless of size, every Success is worth celebrating. This not only releases dopamine, reinforcing positive feelings but also creates a mental catalog of achievements to draw confidence from.
Face Fears: Confronting and overcoming fears, even in small doses, can substantially elevate confidence. It's the act of proving to oneself that challenges can be surmounted.
Building Resilient Confidence
Embrace Failures: Instead of seeing failures as definitive outcomes, perceive them as FeedbackFeedback. Every setback offers a lesson, and embracing this perspective builds resilient confidence.
Surround Yourself with Positivity: The company you keep plays a role in shaping your confidence. Surrounding yourself with supportive, positive individuals can elevate your self-belief.
Practice Self-compassion: Being kind to oneself, especially in moments of doubt or failure, nurtures a stable form of confidence. Recognize that everyone, at times, falters, and it's okay.
Boosting confidence is not about creating an infallible self but about nurturing a self that believes in its capabilities, even amidst uncertainties. It's a journey of self-awareness, growth, and continuous effort. As the age-old adage goes, "Believe in yourself," but remember that this belief can be cultivated, nurtured, and strengthened with intention and action.
Practical Implications: Tailoring Cues for Learning
It's essential to remember that while the science behind cues is universal, their application is deeply personal. What works as a powerful cue for one person might be ineffective for another. It's a blend of personal experiences, preferences, and environmental factors. For learning purposes, it's beneficial to experiment with various cues, monitor their effectiveness, and iteratively refine them based on FeedbackFeedback.
Cues, in their deceptive simplicity, carry a weighty role in shaping our behaviors and, by extension, our learning journeys. Understanding their intricate interaction with our brain and psyche provides a powerful tool in the arsenal of effective learners. By harnessing and tailoring cues to our unique profiles, we can craft a learning environment that's both efficient and enjoyable.
Practical Implications: Tailoring Cues for Learning
Harnessing the power of cues, or prompts, to bolster the learning process can have transformative effects. These cues, deeply rooted in the psychology of habits and brain functionality, act as signals that prime the brain for absorption, comprehension, and retention. As we navigate the landscape of lifelong learning, be it academic or skill-based, understanding and implementing tailored cues can be a game-changer. Let's delve deeper into the practical implications of this.
The Science Recap: Why Cues Matter
Immediate Brain Activation: As previously discussed, cues trigger immediate activation in specific brain regions. For instance, a familiar song might evoke memories associated with it, or the sight of a book could prime the brain for study mode.
Association Building: Our brains are wired to seek patterns and associations. When consistent cues are used, they rapidly form neural pathways that connect the cue to the desired learning behavior or content.
Dopamine Release: Positive reinforcement and the anticipation of rewards stimulate dopamine production. Cues, when linked to positive learning outcomes or experiences, can induce dopamine release, making the learning process more engaging and memorable.
Crafting Cues for Optimal Learning: Practical Steps
Environment-Based Cues: Designate specific locations for specific learning tasks. For example, reading in a particular chair or studying a subject in a dedicated room can create solid environmental cues. Over time, simply being in that space will prime the brain for that particular learning activity.
Temporal Cues: Set consistent times for learning activities. This might mean studying a language every morning at 8 am or practicing an instrument every evening at 7 pm. This temporal consistency acts as a cue, signaling the brain that it's time for that specific learning activity.
Tool-Based Cues: Utilize specific tools or materials consistently for particular tasks. For example, we use a specific notebook for math problems or a particular software for digital design. Repeatedly using these tools will cue the brain to enter the "zone" for that subject or skill.
Sensory Cues: Engage the senses. Play a particular background sound or music while studying a topic or light a scented candle during reading sessions. Over time, that sensory input will immediately evoke the mindset for that activity.
Digital Cues: In today's digital age, leverage technology. Set reminders on phones or computers, use specific wallpapers or themes related to the subject matter, or employ gamification apps, turning learning into a cue-induced rewarding process.
Routine Incorporation: Integrate learning tasks into daily routines. For instance, I was listening to a language learning podcast during a daily commute or practicing vocabulary while brushing my teeth. These routine integrations serve as cues, embedding learning into everyday life seamlessly.
Positive Association Reinforcement: After a successful learning session, reward yourself, be it a treat, a short break, or some other form of positive reinforcement. This conditions the brain to associate the cue with the positive outcome, strengthening the cue-learning connection.
Navigating Challenges
Over-Reliance on Cues: While cues are powerful, they aren't a magic solution. It's essential to ensure that the learning process itself is effective and that cues aren't being used as a crutch. They should enhance the process, not define it.
Adaptability: Over time, the effectiveness of a cue might diminish. It's crucial to recognize this and be prepared to adapt, change, or introduce new cues as needed.
The realm of learning is vast and varied, and cues offer a practical, science-backed method to navigate this landscape more effectively. By tailoring cues to one's personal preferences and the nature of the learning task, learners can create a symbiotic relationship between cues and content, fostering more profound understanding, longer retention, and a more enjoyable learning journey.
** Book Recommendation:
Dopamine Nation - Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
Limitless - Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life
Change Your Brain, Change Your Life - The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Obsessiveness, Lack of Focus, Anger, and Memory Problems
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