What is TypeScript

Type Script

September 13, 2022

What is TypeScript

When we are writing TypeScript code, we are just writing JavaScript

  • TypeScript is very powerful compiler that you can run over your code to compile your typescript code to JavaScript.


FYI - The TypeScript compiler does not do any performance optimization

  • TypeScript Compiler is using "TYPE ANNOTATIONS" to analyze our codebase. A developer is responsible for adding these "type annotations .". Imagine these "type annotations " as being like comments to describe your code's purpose or the information flowing through our program.

TypeScript Code -> TypeScript Compiler -> JavaScript :):):)

  • A developer using TypeScript is impressive because it gives you extra error checking where errors you would otherwise get as runtime can be caught and fixed early during development.
  • Whit types, we need to be way more explicit about how things work, and we can avoid many unexpected errors
  • We can use certain next-generation JavaScript features, which you can write and use in our typescript files, and then they will get compiled down to JavaScript code to workarounds that even work in older browsers.
  • VS Code gets support in non TypeScript Projects. VS Code gives you better help in plain JavaScript files because it can use some types of features under the hood without explicitly using typescript.

** Book Recommendation: Version Control with Git ** Powerful Tools and Techniques for Collaborative Software Development

** Book Recommendation: Pragmatic Programmer ** Your journey to mastery

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