Daily Highlights

Growth and Learning News

Daily Update [2024-07-26 | 10:34:41 ] :

Learning how to add ESLint and Prettier to existing project

Daily Update [2024-07-25 | 17:45:40 ] :

Practicing collecting user's input React App- Typescipt , day 2

Daily Update [2024-07-25 | 17:44:49 ] :

Practicing collecting user's input in React App-Typescript

Daily Update [2024-07-25 | 14:52:19 ] :

Practice Input components with typescript types

Daily Update [2024-07-25 | 14:17:26 ] :

Learning interfaces and types in typescript

Daily Update [2024-07-24 | 14:41:07 ] :

Working on collecting user input

Daily Update [2024-07-24 | 14:40:44 ] :

Practicing collecting user's input in React/TypeScript

Daily Update [2024-07-24 | 08:28:46 ] :

Switching to TS and Learning more about it

Daily Update [2024-07-24 | 08:28:08 ] :

Adding a new component Button, improving turnRed function in my-portfolio page

Daily Update [2024-07-23 | 16:26:15 ] :

Practicing and learning Javascript

Daily Update [2024-07-23 | 12:33:26 ] :

Practice how to use input component

Daily Update [2024-07-22 | 23:18:55 ] :

Added Layout to Portfolio React app and Contact Form to practice collecting user's input

Daily Update [2024-07-22 | 11:23:54 ] :

Finishing Home Page for Portfolio Page in React

Daily Update [2024-07-22 | 08:46:28 ] :

Started my first project in supabase

Daily Update [2024-07-22 | 08:44:08 ] :

Working and finished my react portfolio chalenge

Daily Update [2024-07-21 | 16:41:31 ] :

Working on portfolio page in React

Daily Update [2024-07-20 | 14:23:34 ] :

Done task no 1. Promise.all Implementation

Daily Update [2024-07-19 | 22:50:53 ] :

1/30 Mastering Backend - NestJS / NodeJS -> Setup NestJS Project

Daily Update [2024-07-19 | 21:06:25 ] :

Stuck on Kata: Count the divisors of a number

Daily Update [2024-07-19 | 08:40:13 ] :

learning more about setState hook

Daily Update [2024-07-19 | 08:39:13 ] :

Learning feedback messages and error handling

Daily Update [2024-07-18 | 18:54:26 ] :

Reviewing Async Functions

Daily Update [2024-07-17 | 17:16:09 ] :

Reviewing Promises

Daily Update [2024-07-16 | 20:35:12 ] :

Reviewing Callback to better understand Async Functions

Daily Update [2024-07-15 | 19:35:43 ] :

Done task no 5. Chunk Array

Daily Update [2024-07-14 | 08:24:22 ] :

finally a breakthrough with wordpress, real content for the site should be uploaded soon

Daily Update [2024-07-12 | 19:53:10 ] :

Done task no.6 anagram checker

Daily Update [2024-07-12 | 09:17:45 ] :

Learning debounce function in javascript + js exercises

Daily Update [2024-07-12 | 09:16:38 ] :

Learning about http request metod post

Daily Update [2024-07-11 | 19:53:05 ] :

Done task no.7 find vowels

Daily Update [2024-07-10 | 22:16:52 ] :

Understanding JavaScript Debounce, finished 4 of 8 tasks from Discord

Daily Update [2024-07-10 | 22:15:11 ] :

Reading about JavaScript Debounce, finished 4 of 8 tasks from Discord

Daily Update [2024-07-10 | 15:16:48 ] :

Done task no.8 sum of array elements

Daily Update [2024-07-10 | 07:42:05 ] :

code for dark mode toggle

Daily Update [2024-07-10 | 07:05:56 ] :

Working on my portfolio page

Daily Update [2024-07-09 | 09:41:27 ] :

1/30 - Mastering backend -> NestJS & NodeJS -> Setup Env

Daily Update [2024-07-09 | 07:50:41 ] :

another small project in JS...

Daily Update [2024-07-08 | 17:29:50 ] :

Working on portfolio page in React

Daily Update [2024-07-08 | 05:40:13 ] :

Working on my Portfolio page

Daily Update [2024-07-06 | 06:42:53 ] :

Working on my Score Board app

Daily Update [2024-07-05 | 14:22:45 ] :

Print data out of heavyNestedObject

Daily Update [2024-07-05 | 13:04:49 ] :

Added Layout Component to Score Board App in React

Daily Update [2024-07-05 | 12:33:36 ] :

Working on a brand new portfolio page

Daily Update [2024-07-05 | 11:50:09 ] :

Made code from yesterday's practice look cleaner - heavy.js file

Daily Update [2024-07-03 | 17:41:47 ] :

Refactoring Score Board App

Daily Update [2024-07-03 | 17:29:27 ] :

working on portfolio page

Daily Update [2024-07-03 | 17:27:19 ] :

Score App in Progress

Daily Update [2024-07-02 | 15:26:33 ] :

button ripple effect, small project in JavaScript

Daily Update [2024-07-02 | 13:59:47 ] :

Project Done, Score Board App in React

Daily Update [2024-07-02 | 11:27:15 ] :

Learning about Destructuring Array and Objects in React

Daily Update [2024-07-02 | 11:26:30 ] :

Learning about Axios in React

Daily Update [2024-07-02 | 09:35:56 ] :

Counter app

Daily Update [2024-07-01 | 08:51:36 ] :

Reading article Understanding different ways to define components in React

Daily Update [2024-06-30 | 12:00:00 ] :

Learning props in React

Daily Update [2024-06-28 | 11:15:53 ] :

Codewars solving problems

Daily Update [2024-06-27 | 11:43:16 ] :

Refactoring Rendering list in React

Daily Update [2024-06-27 | 07:19:36 ] :

some basic stuff in JavaScript.... part 2

Daily Update [2024-06-26 | 22:25:35 ] :

Practicing working with React - Typescript (creating components for Recipes App)

Daily Update [2024-06-26 | 21:30:53 ] :

Solving problems on Codewars

Daily Update [2024-06-26 | 20:58:04 ] :

some basic stuff in JavaScript....

Daily Update [2024-06-26 | 11:06:36 ] :

Started Clone Portfolio Page Using React

Daily Update [2024-06-25 | 11:56:23 ] :

Making components in Book review app

Daily Update [2024-06-25 | 11:22:11 ] :

Coding- CodeWars

Daily Update [2024-06-25 | 09:49:50 ] :

Add buttons in React Book Review App

Daily Update [2024-06-24 | 16:01:21 ] :

Practicing adding Components to React Project (using data from Figma Project)

Daily Update [2024-06-24 | 13:21:15 ] :

mini calendar in JS...

Daily Update [2024-06-24 | 13:14:28 ] :

Creating components in Portfolio page

Daily Update [2024-06-24 | 09:31:29 ] :

Add Books Object with pictures file in React Book Review App

Daily Update [2024-06-23 | 20:38:26 ] :

small project in JS...

Daily Update [2024-06-21 | 11:19:17 ] :

Practicing creating react template typescipt app,and added only array names to be display

Daily Update [2024-06-21 | 11:09:49 ] :

React playing, made react car app

Daily Update [2024-06-21 | 10:31:11 ] :

Writing code on CodeWars

Daily Update [2024-06-20 | 11:13:00 ] :

Displayed movies and awards in browser - react App

Daily Update [2024-06-20 | 11:09:49 ] :

Made basic react app with array of objects and displayed some of them

Daily Update [2024-06-20 | 07:00:06 ] :

Learning how to render a list of elements in JSX

Daily Update [2024-06-19 | 22:30:21 ] :

Writing code on CodeWars

Daily Update [2024-06-19 | 10:59:27 ] :

Deleted first React App, installed new React App with Typescript, working on displaying mo

Daily Update [2024-06-19 | 10:59:24 ] :

Fixed titles and awards order and did basic styling

Daily Update [2024-06-19 | 05:58:30 ] :

Add style to the first React Project

Daily Update [2024-06-18 | 21:30:43 ] :

Writing code on CodeWars. Today also practiced writing typescript syntax , tried to make a

Daily Update [2024-06-18 | 10:15:19 ] :

Printed Titles and Awards

Daily Update [2024-06-18 | 10:04:42 ] :

How to Use TypeScript in React Apps

Daily Update [2024-06-17 | 11:44:03 ] :

Working on Fitnes App, Progress Chart

Daily Update [2024-06-15 | 22:53:46 ] :

Solving problems on CodeWars ..

Daily Update [2024-06-15 | 15:35:39 ] :

Watch React tutorial

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